I get ridiculously excited for Halloween simply because I LOVE creating a new & unique costume! Last year I created this fortune cookie costume and got such an amazing response on Instagram that I decided to do a full step-by-step tutorial on how to make it. Honestly it was one of the easiest costumes I’ve ever made… but I have to admit, it’s not the most comfortable one. You can’t sit in it, so wear comfortable shoes because you’ll be standing all night! LOL!!! Totally worth it though in my opinion! 😉


  • Skin Coloured Dress (I would suggest something that isn’t skin tight. It’ll be easier to work with)
  • Beige Foam Sheets (5 sheets. I got mine from Michael’s Craft Store and they measured 12 x 18 inches per sheet)
  • Scissors
  • Hot Glue gun
  • White Bristol Board
  • Coloured Printer & Printer Paper
  • Wire Hanger (Optional for takeout box)
  • Teeth Hair Comb Clip (Optional for fortune cookie hair piece)


Let’s start first with the fortune cookie. You’ll need to make one giant one for the main part of your costume and a little one for your hair. It was easier for me to take pictures of the smaller one to show how it’s done (See visuals below).

  1. Cut out a circle from the foam sheet. (I did 7.5 inches in diameter).
  2. Roll like a burrito 
  3. Pinch on the opposite side in the middle
  4. Carefully start folding the cookie while still holding the ends together 
  5. Bring the ends together to meet
  6. Use a hot glue gun to secure the ends together
  7. Tip: Use a small amount of glue and glue about a quarter ways down
  8. Use your fingers to pinch the foam together and hold until the glue dries.
  9. Your little fortune cookie is complete!  🙂

To make it into a hair clip, hot glue the small fortune cookie onto a teeth hair combo.

Tips for making the large fortune cookie

If you can purchase a bigger size foam sheet, I would suggest that.  They didn’t have large sizes available at the craft store I went to, so I had to use four smaller size sheets (12 x 18 inch from Michael’s craft store) and glued them together.  Follow the same steps as the smaller fortune cookie instructions, but just be extra careful since the foam will be delicate at the seams. Once completed, hot glue the large fortune cookie to the top left of your dress.

The Fortune

The fortune is the fun part because you can get creative and personalize your message. I chose “You will be hungry again in one hour”. LOL! You could also do lucky numbers or if you’re completely stuck on what to write, a simple “Happy Halloween” is cute too!

Use a piece of white bristol board and cut out one long strip. I actually had to cut two strips and tape them together. My measurements were roughly around 4 x 75 inches, but yours could be shorter or longer in size depending on how tall you are. (I’m 5’6 for reference). Print out your message and glue it onto the bristol board fortune. Hand writing the message with a sharpie is another option.

Gluing the fortune on the dress is a little bit tricky. You sort of have to play around with it and bend it to however you want it to curve down your body. If you can get a helper, it’ll speed up the process! Hot glue or staple it into place. Costume complete!

The Accessories

For the hair I did a small fortune cookie, which I first talked about earlier and for the chopsticks I found 12 inch long dowels at the dollar store. Regular size wood chopsticks are great too, but I wanted mine to really stand out so I went for larger ones!

I also made an oversized takeout box to use as a purse. (Disclaimer: It’s not very strong, so you’re limited to what you put inside).

You’ll need to cut out these five shapes to make the box. The dimensions of the bottom of my box (image 2) is 8 x 6 inches. The top of my box measures 10 x 8 inches, and my box is 12 inches high. *Make sure to add flaps on the sides to connect the pieces together. You can of course adjust the measurements to however big you want it.
Glue all the pieces together to form the takeout box.
I cut the top flaps into rounded edges.
I used a coat hanger and shaped it into a handle. Any thick wire will do! Poke holes into the side of the box and weave through the wire. Hot glue it into place.
I used this image which I found on the internet for the front of the box. Print it, cut it out, and glue on. Easy peasy!

I hope you found this tutorial easy to follow! I would love to see all your creations, so please tag me on social media @allstylelife

I ended up doing a “theme” costume with me friend, so I’ll leave you with this last picture for inspo! Your Chinese Delivery is Here!!!

Have a happy and safe Halloween!


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